Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Mountains Being Moved.

Bulgaria  Meeting Update

Hey hey hey! It seems like forever since the last time I was able to make an update, but I'm so excited to fill you all in with the latest news of our trip!

"Serving is a powerful thing. God wants to bless you, but He also want to be a blessing through you."

Today, we started off our meeting in Gen. 45:3-8. Our leader explained to us the power of making everything about God and not self. "Adversity screams what one believes about God. It screams ones theology." With this trip this a lesson we must all learn to come face-to-face with. Each and every one of us must learn to rely on God with every once of our soul, and no longer depend on self, and when we do so we will, through God, begin to MOVE MOUNTAINS.

The first part of my exciting news is that OUR AIRLINE TICKETS ARE BEING PURCHASED THIS WEEK! Woohoo! 
Things are truly becoming real you guys.

The next things I want to announce to you all is our dinner theatre night! I'm so excited to see how God is going to work through this night, but first here are some things you need to know:

Date & Time: March 10th and 11th @ 7:00 PM
Price: $10.00 per person which includes- steak, baked potato, salad, desert, and a show. (What a deal           right?)
Purpose: To help send a group of teenagers who have been called to Bulgaria to share the Word of God.

The last exciting news I have for you all is on how all of our plans in Bulgaria are coming together. Mrs. Lydia, the lady who is from and a missionary in Bulgaria, had a meeting this past week with the 9 Bulgarian students that each one of us American students will be paired with and it went really  well.  The parents are on board and we can not wait for this cross-cultural experiment with relationship building. It will definitely a memory I will NEVER forget. 

I also want to ask every one of you who are reading this to continually be in prayer for our team. Pray over the students there that we will be working with and also pray for the match up of each student. Continue to pray for the Autreys with Mrs. Lydias father passing and the many other things they are currently going through, and a huge prayer request for our dinner theatre night. It will be a busy and long next couple of months, but with your prayers and Gods help I know we can get through this!

Thanks for reading and praying. Love you all!!!

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