Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The struggle is real...

Well it's day two of my blog and I'm so excited for all the things I've got coming yalls way. (and yes I did just use country slang.) So, for my second blog I thought I would talk about "being yourself" and something every girl struggles with,"insecurities."

  "Being yourself" is one of the hardest things to do in life because we're always trying to fit in and trying to be someone we're not. Being a teenager is so hard nowadays because they're is so much expected of us. We have to be wearing the right clothes, the right make up, and the right shoes. We live by a quota of "there will always be someone prettier, someone skinnier, and someone smarter" and although this may be true ,if we are happy in our own skin and proud of the person we are, then who cares. God made NO mistakes when He made you.He knew exactly what He was doing. He knew the great things you would accomplish and the AMAZING person you would be. So lift your head up princess, because the person you are is the person you were meant to be. And no matter how hard life throws things your way, God will help you and guide you through!
I want to challenge every lady out there to be who you are, not the person society wants you to be, and each and every morning to look in the mirror and tell yourself that you ARE beautiful and to tell yourself one thing that you love about yourself!
I hope this blog can help someone with their insecurities and for them to realize the beautiful person they are.
          With lots of LOVE! Your girl,
                                                               Kay! <3

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