I am honored to announce that I will be headed to Bulgaria on a 10 day mission trip in April. I can not wait to bring the greatest light (Jesus) to one of the darkest areas. I am so excited to see everything God is going to do through this trip!
A Little Bit About Bulgaria.
This is their flag.
Bulgaria was previously a communist country so their government was corrupt and they were lied to for some time. Because of all the damage communism did to their country it left the people there with barely any hope whatsoever. They have trust issues because of the fact they were lied to for so long. So we must not only talk the talk, but it is important that we walk the walk. They will be able to pick out a fake Christian in a heartbeat.
What We Will Be Doing.
During, our time in Bulgaria we will be working in a high school for a big amount of time. We will be given the chance to pair up, a Bulgaria and an American, to learn a little about each other's language, lifestyle, and also have the chance to share God with them. We will also be doing labor work in an orphanage. We will be helping with the English club at the church we are helping out. Lastly, we are hoping that for one night two American teens will have the opportunity to spend an evening with a Bulgarian family to see what life is truly like there.
How We Have Prepared So Far.
So far our team meets every Monday morning at 7:00 AM for one hour. Our leader shares something from the Word of God and then we dive into to prayer with partners and other little things they have planned for that day.
How You Can Help.
Our number one thing right now is prayer. We need as much of that as we can get . But we also , all nine of us, have to raise $2,000 each. I have so far raised about $400 so to God be the glory for that!
I ask each and everyone of you that read this post to keep us in your prayers. For many of us, this will be our first ever international mission trip. So pray that we are able to let God shine through us, to die to self, to be humble and kind, to be transparent, and to live completely out of our comfort zones there, living to the fullest for Chirst!
Thank you so much for your support!
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